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Friday 29 July 2011

So . . . .

Today's the day we collect our new chickens, I'm really nervous but I'm refusing to let the previous experience put me off.

The farms about an hour away from work and an hour and a half from home. I'll give you more details about the farm once we've been there.

The eglu's are clean, disinfected and ready to rock!

We've just got home from collecting the chickens and wow what an experience! We got home about half 9 :-S Put the chickens in the run, they obviously didn't get time to look around and they went to sleep outside :-( Luckily they're so friendly I just picked them up and popped them into bed. They're so friendly and gorgeous I really want to post some pictures but they're all tucked up now. First thing in the morning I promise! But for now after a days work and 3 hours in the car it time for me to hit the hay!

V x

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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